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If you have a mental block or a block, you are temporarily unable to do something that you can normally do which involves using, thinking about, or remembering something. Collins dictionary

10 ways to clear your writers block

This term is used by writers to describe their minds going blank and not producing words they need for their story, poem or even novel. Some say it’s part of the natural process of writing, but if you don’t write every time you get a writer’s block, you will miss out on some valuable creativity. Here are my top ten ways to get you back on track and keep those brain juices flowing.

  1. Observation: My tutor told me to observe, observe, observe. Take a writing book out with you and jot down observations and try to include the senses, what can you smell, see, hear and feel.

  2. Generating ideas: Your mind has the ideas, but sometimes it just needs coaxing out. You could pick a random word from the dictionary to write about, use a visualisation and write about an image or do a mind map on a word and jot down words associated with the main word.

  3. Research: If you’re looking for inspiration for a story and getting stuck, researching an idea like dolls, could turn into an idea about a doll maker who kills, because dolls are creepy.

  4. Freewriting: Sometimes the best thing to do is get a pen and paper and just write. A first draft of a story on the laptop could hinder your ideas, because you type slower than you write. Writing should be a natural flow; you can also do a timed free write where you write to an alarm of ten minutes.

  5. Change of environment: Sometimes you can become stagnated and changing room, or location can spark an idea.

  6. Write daily: The best way to get rid of a writer’s block is to write every day, no matter what you feel like, just write.

  7. Routine: Have a daily routine to help make you productive; you may find you write better at a certain time of day.

  8. Silence that negativity: All writers can feel blah about their work and put themselves down, this can lead to writers block. Instead, remember your first draft is not the finished piece, it’s the raw ideas, and you know once it’s edited you will feel better.

  9. Motivation: Have a poster up or just a phrase that motivates you to write; I have a poster that says, ‘you got this’.

  10. Breather: There is a difference between saying you can’t write and putting it off for days, instead, give yourself a short break; If you stress too much you will make it worse.

Writer’s block is a myth, sometimes you just need to kick start your brain with some writing techniques. There is a difference between letting an idea breathe and sitting in front of a blank piece of paper or screen. Writing every day will generate ideas, some even write as soon as they wake up. Find what works for you; my motivation comes from deadlines, I set myself challenges. Whatever it takes, you can write that poem, story or you may even have an epic novel in you.

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