Ilfracombe: Torrs WalkThe Torrs walk to Wildersmouth beach in Ilfracombe is a 30 mins walk and a one hour round trip. The walk takes you along the south-west...
Day 23 ‘feeling’A feeling is an emotion, such as anger or happiness. Collins dictionary Could I be an empath? I didn’t know what an empath was until I...
Day 21 ‘living’You use living when you are talking about the quality of people’s daily lives. Collins dictionary What does it mean to live life to its...
Day 15 ‘Internet’is the computer network which allows computer users to connect with computers all over the world. Collins dictionary Does the internet...
Day 10 ‘Eviscerate’To eviscerate a person or animal means to remove their internal organs, such as their heart, lungs, and stomach. Collins dictionary I...
Day 6 ‘Mizzen’a sail set on a mizzenmast Collins dictionary Setting sail in my imagination Everyone should have a place in their mind they can escape...
Day 5 ‘Thelytoky’A form of parthenogenesis wherein female offspring develops from an unfertilised egg Biology online Having a fulfilling life without...
Day 4: ‘Jacqueminot’A deep–red, hybrid perpetual rose The city of Jacqueminot In Jacqueminot, people’s hearts are exposed and form the shape of a rose. For...
Day 3 ‘OOM’A title of respect used to address an elderly man (South African word). Collins Dictionary We should have an ‘OOM festival’ to celebrate...
Day 1: ChanceIf you chance something, you do it even though there is a risk that you may not succeed or that something bad may happen. Collins...